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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.” -The Shadow of the Wind
We have been talking about macroeconomics in the the Economics of the Environment course I am taking this semester. How extremely depressing. More specifically, the last two classes we have read an article called "Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?" the subtitle is "Financial crooks brought down the world's economy- but the feds are doing more to protect them than to prosecute them." Now, I admit I don't fully grasp this whole confusing mess, but I am starting to. I surely grasp it enough to know that these people are cheating the middle class out of their security. How can people like, John Mack, former chairman of Morgan Stanley, sleep at night? I suppose I am just am optimist, so I am forced to believe that he must come up with some sort of justification for what he has done. Or could it be that he is just a horrible human being? How can executives at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae be caught misreporting their earnings and all they suffer is a fine. The most appalling part, in my opinion, is that our own federal government is not only turning its cheek, but it is playing a part in protecting these people.
Hearing stuff like this makes me want to bury all the money I save in a bank in my backyard. I honestly feel that my money would be more secure buried in my backyard then in the hands of these corporate crooks. Regardless of the people that are stealing, the system itself is so critically flawed. And the big question: What the hell does anyone do to correct this? God only knows.
One of the reasons I am looking forward to summer is that I will be able to start reading books for my enjoyment again. Last semester I did pretty well in managing to continue to read some books of my choice. This semester, being that I am taking 17 credits, I really haven't had much time for that. I have managed to compile a list of books that I would like to read this summer. Some of the books we are required to read for classes are quite enjoyable. For example, in Environmental Philosophy we are reading "The Age of Missing Information" by Bill McKibben. I haven't finished it yet, but it is a really thought provoking book so far. I have read a few of McKibben's books and I have enjoyed them all so far. And, of course, "Water for Elephants" which was quite possibly my favorite novel of all time, is coming out on film on April 22nd. Reese Witherspoon, whom may I mention IS MY FAVORITE ACTRESS, is playing one of the main roles. Robert Pattinson, will also be playing one of the main characters. Lets just say I'm a little bit excited.
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