The past few months have taught me a valuable lesson, or maybe it was the past 3 years that taught it to me. Realistically, I think it was the demolition of everything I had built over the past 3 years that taught me the lesson. I have been looking at the recent loss in my life as the end all and be all of everything I know. That is pretty much true, but therein lies the problem. There is more to life then what I have been investing in. I haven't put near enough energy and emphasis on the construction of a career or on the pursuit of fresh air. I haven't really appreciated going out and doing things, by myself if I have to. I stopped doing things because there wasn't always someone there to do them with me. I've made a resolution to do many things differently for the next 20 days, it has started off well. I have forced myself to go into Target even when I wanted to just go home, I forced myself to go for a walk on the rail trail even though it was cold. I made a list this morning and I got 7 out of the 11 things done so far. I made plans for tomorrow so I don't end up sitting in my room the entire day. I've been going on facebook less. It feels good to not focus on the confusion in my life. If my prediction is right, I think the complication might seem a little clearer once I stop analyzing it. You know what? I'm doing okay.