I am growing increasingly weary of facebook. There, I said it. I know you're probably thinking "Okay, so then stop going on it." Well folks, it just ain't that easy. I am addicted, definitely. Facebook has became a routine and as many of you know it can be difficult to break something when it becomes a habit. But really, It has became tiresome to scroll through my news feed. Half the posts I just don't care about and another quarter of them are either negative, annoying, or both. Not to mention, on my quest to be a better, more fulfilled, person I think facebook just incubates bad habits and characteristics in a person. There are better, more enriching ways I should be spending my time. Now to wean off or go cold turkey, that is the question.
On another note, I finally made a terrarium! I will admit that it didn't come out exactly as I had hoped it would, but it is a good first try. I have plenty more supplies to make another, I just need to find the perfect glass container. I think having at least one more terrarium in my room will give it a nice visual appeal. There is something slightly beyond words about having living things in your space. I had fun making the first one, especially going moss hunting outside. Moss is really an amazing thing, in the dead of winter it is still living and green. One of my absolute favorite things to do is walk barefoot on a lush patch of moss. I love the feeling of moss on bare toes. Perhaps that is part of the essence of summer.
Here is a photo of the three terrariums I made. Aren't they lovely? I am really loving the red flowers in the tall jar and the little cow I found for the rounded one. I recently finished one of the large Yankee candles (another obsession of mine) and I melted the remaining wax from it and transformed it into the smallest terrarium you see there.