Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"And our love's the only truth That's why I run to you"

Ah, hard to believe that I go home tomorrow evening. I infinitely enjoy getting in my car and listening to music at an un-necessarily high decibel. I enjoy speeding. I enjoy opening my sunroof. So I am looking forward to that, I hope the weather is nice.
   Tomorrow morning is going to be kind of busy. I have to run, shower, pack my car, submit my Economics assignment and go to housing before 9:30. I'm going to probably get up at 6:30....go running for half an hour. I'll figure it out. Also, for policy tomorrow we are pulling up Garlic Mustard.....that will be interesting. Much better than having actual class. I probably won't post anything over Easter break, so this may be the last until Tuesday. 

"I analyze every word just trying to find flaws"

I just completed a pretty substantial amount of school work before noon. It's a miracle. Now let's hope work is busy and I make lots of tips!! Despite some rough days, this week does seem to be going by rather quickly. I spoke on the phone with one of my best friends last night. Talking to her was really really refreshing, I think it pulled be a little bit back from the edge of insanity. What a good conversation we had, just laughing and talking. I miss her terribly. More good news, I am having a good hair day today. haha.                                              
     There are just those weeks that kick your ass. The last 2 weeks have been exactly that for me. Without weeks like that, I wouldn't appreciate the good ones as much. I suppose you have to take the bad with the good. That is something I can live with. I'll admit though, I come out of those weeks feeling worn out, mentally and physically. Running has become a really positive force in my life. For the first time in my entire life I find myself looking forward to the time I have to put on my running shoes and escape for a little bit. That is exactly it, running has become an escape for me. I really enjoy the feeling of just being on my own, knowing that nobody can reach me. Just getting away from everything, I think that's a really healthy feeling.
      I am feeling good today. I am feeling happy and optimistic. What a welcomed feeling, it seems as though happiness has been eluding me lately. Just as sleep has been. I have been just dreading to get in my bed lately, I just toss and turn. Every single night. Hopefully tonight I will be more successful at falling asleep. I used to go to bed early and fall right asleep and I was a deep sleeper. I would wake up feeling good. Not anymore. I should be thankful that I am sleeping at all, I suppose. I know eventually I will sleep, it is just a matter of time. I have no recollection of dreams also, which is most likely a good thing.