Saturday, April 16, 2011
"I know the heart of life is good."
I slept so well last night. I worked 4-8, it was exhausting. There was a couple rude people that came in, that really wears me down. A table of 4 came in, they were probably 18 or 19, they didn't leave a tip at all. Abby and I were both waiting on them, and we didn't do anything wrong. Some people are just so disrespectful. I think some people are obnoxious without even being aware of it. So, anyway, it's a good thing I got a good nights sleep because I really needed it.
Words, however, are not coming to me. Ohhhh, I just remembered something. Yesterday, I ran about a mile and a half on the rail trail, then I stopped and sat by a section of the Poultney River that has turned into a kind of marsh. I just enjoyed the sound of the birds and took everything in. After a few minutes, I spotted a turtle. He climbed up to a dry spot in the sun. Before I knew it there were 10 turtles sunning themselves. They were painted turtles and they were adorable. The little island they were on was getting so crowded that newcomers had to climb over the turtles already sunning. I think I spend 20 minutes watching turtles, it was relaxing.
Today I am going to go to TJmaxx in Rutland. I don't need anything but I haven't gone shopping in a while so I feel the urge to do that. Well of course, and fuel up on Dunkin Donuts coffee. It is a little overcast today, but it appears as though the sun may come out sometime during the day. I work again 4-8 tonight. Hopefully the customers are less rude and I have more patience. It is worth it anyway, Friday and Saturday nights the tips are pretty good. Sorry for the lame post today, I wasn't really into it.
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