Monday, October 22, 2012

Something to remember

I think one of the most important things to remember is that if you focus on yourself and on achieving your goals, you will rarely go wrong. When you invest in yourself you open up the way for other areas of your life to go right. Focusing on yourself isn't selfish, it is smart investing. Focusing on yourself is not putting your eggs all in one basket, as long as your mind is open. At this point in my life I am guarded and suspicious of mostly everyone. Getting out of a long relationship shook my faith in trusting people, I am the one person i can trust. In time I will be able to trust people again, but I do need that time. Getting hurt is no fun, and it is naturally something you try to protect yourself from. I'm really not sure what or who I want right now, but i do know what makes me happy. The plan is to do what makes me happy and just be okay with letting whatever is supposed to happen follow.