Monday, February 11, 2013

Things I will never stop doing or never start doing

As I was riding in the car last night I had an interesting idea. Throughout the day I had been observing things that people said or did that I didn't really like. I decided to make a list of things I want to promise myself that I will never be, or will never stop being. Here it is so far, I will be adding to it as other things come to me.

1. A person that doesn't listen. 
If there is one thing that I have learned it is how important it is to listen to people. Everyone needs to have someone that they can talk to. I enjoy listening to people, because I care about the people in my life and because I know it helps them. Not to mention, sometimes you are so busy talking that you don't hear what people are trying to tell you about yourself. Listening is a habit that can really open up a relationship. I never want to stop listening.

2. Someone who doesn't recognize nor appreciate blessings in their life. 
I am constantly reminding myself of all the things I have to be grateful for. The people that I love, through their actions, are constantly reminding me why they are in my life and that is how I know they are meant to be there. There is nothing worse than the person that is constantly complaining and dwelling on the things they don't have. People who are appreciative are the people that have more blessings, because they can recognize them.

3. Someone who doesn't say 'I love you' enough.
This goes along with the previous one. Appreciating someone isn't enough, I never want to be the person that doesn't know how to tell someone that they love and appreciate them. The simplest things can show people you care and make all the difference.

4. A person that doesn't respect themselves. 
I've made choices in my life that I look back at and realize that weren't reflecting what I want or think anyone deserves. I am relating particularly in terms of a relationship, but I've written this one to have a much more broad meaning. I want to keep making choices throughout my life that don't undercut my sense of self-worth.

5. Someone who settles. 
 I don't want to settle for less than happiness. I don't want to settle for just money or just convenience. I want to get the most out of the decisions I make, and retain the strength to change things that are no longer lifting me up. 

6. A person that gets caught so much up in other people's business that they lose touch with themselves.
I have come across many people that make everyone's business their own. Some of these people are the same ones that have absolutely no grip on their own flaws or their own problems. I am always amazed at how evident it becomes to me how these people could probably fix their own problems if they spent just a fraction less of their time on meaningless gossip and more on their own life. This is something that bothers me more than anything when I come across it. And this might be the biggest thing on the list, because I think it leads to losing touch with so many aspects of your own life. I never, ever, want to be the person that doesn't focus on own life because I'm too busy focusing on meaningless gossip.